Clarence Goodman
Available Real & Virtual Tours
Each program is between an hour and 75 minutes in length.
First, the music...​
An Unfinished Journey: African American Music in its Pivotal Decades
City of Big Songs: Songs About Chicago and the Stories About the Songs
Sing Out! Protest Songs of the 20th Century
Musical Midwife: Chicago and The Birth of Rock & Roll
Not So Silly Love Songs: My Favorite Love Songs
As We Go Marching, Marching: Songs of the Women's Movement
An Evening with Clarence Goodman: A Concert of Original Music
...and the presentations
My Kind of Town...And Yours! Chicago "101" All the stuff you've heard about, read about and seen in the movies, our landmarks and treasures.
Murder, Mayhem & The Mob (Four Parts) Part one covers the Roaring Twenties. Prohibition, Al Capone, and the true story of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Part two investigates the post-Capone period and the Mob's move into the Modern Era. Part three finds the Mob on a collision course with the Government as the National Crime Syndicate is realized. Part four looks at the Mob's influence on popular culture.
Hell Hath No Fury: The Wicked, Wild and Wonderful Women of the Windy City Chicago's terrific tradition of impactful women!
Women for All Seasons: Six Chicago Women Who Changed the World!
Second City Saints: First World Heroines
Smashing the Glass Ceiling: Creative Chicago Women Who Inspire
A Tale of Two Chicagos: The White City & The Murder Castle of Englewood You've read the book and are looking forward to the film. Come see the sights of our first World's Fair...and America's first serial killer!
Emancipation to Inauguration From the shotgun shack to the White House, the Black Experience in ChiTown is rich, nuanced and profound.
The Great Migration and the Great War
In the Belly of the Beast: King in Chicago
Martin Luther King & The October Surprise
By the Time I Get to Memphis: King's Last Year
The Ballot...and The Bullet: How Presidential Assassinations Shaped Racial Politics
A Killer Among Us: Serial Killers in Our Town (Two Parts) The largely American creature, the Serial Killer, has deep roots in Chicago. Come explore!
Conspiracy! On the Trail of the Assassins The tragic cases of most American political murders strangely have ties to the Second City.
Black Sox, Billy Goats & The Monsters of the Midway (Part 1) Not just cruising by the ballparks, but the why, when and how of Chicago team sports.
Game Time! Chicago Sports Outside the Lines (Sports Part 2) Chicago's other contributions to sports in America.
Broadway, Bebop and The Boob Tube The center of the country has long been the center of the history of performance. Come see why.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Modern Music for a Modern City
Burnham, Sullivan, Gang, and Their Legacies: Chicago Architecture You can't spell "architecture" without C-H-I!
The Glorious Arts: The Culmination of Chicago as an Arts Mecca
The Bomb, The Pill, and Beyond: Chicago as the City of Innovation
Four Stars, Two Stripes: One Vision Milestones in Chicago History.
What's in a Name? Chicago's many, many nicknames and their origins.
Hail to the Chief! Chicago and the American presidency.
Public Enemy: Dillinger in Chicago
One Brief, Shining Moment: The Kennedys in Chicago
Ain't That a Kick in the Head! The True Story of the Rat Pack
It's Christmastime in the City: Chicago and Its Yule Contributions and Traditions
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email gloriousarts@hotmail.com or phone <312.623.2610> for booking information